sábado, 26 de maio de 2012

Solidariedade internacional para com o movimento grevista

Carta de Solidariedade com o Movimento Grevista das Universidades Federais Brasileiras – 
União de Estudantes Universitários da Califórnia

"Letter of Solidarity With The Striking Teachers of Brazil's Federal Universities

On Thursday, May 17th, teachers at 34 Federal Universities across Brazil went out on strike in defense of the right to high quality public education.

Today in California, students from across all the levels of public higher education are meeting to discuss the formation of a Student Union to give organizational form to our unity in the struggle against the defunding, privatization and re-segregation of our public educational systems.

We would like to take this occasion to extend our full solidarity with you, the teachers of Brazil, and to tell you that you are not alone in this fight. The attacks on education are being enacted on an international scale. And even here, in one of the countries with the most advanced neo-liberal project for education, we students are organizing resistance.

Here in the United States, educators' unions are under constant attack. But as students we see clearly the value of workers' organizations because our professors' working
conditions are our learning conditions. And your struggle is also our own!

Signed by individual students, faculty, and staff from the following educational institutions in California:

Kindergarten [WINDOWS-1252?]– 12th Grade:
Santa Monica High School
Los Angeles Unified School District

California Community College System:

Santa Monica College
Los Angeles City College
Pasadena City College
City College of San Francisco
Berkeley City College
El Camino College
Los Angeles Valley College
Downey Career College
Compton Community College
Long Beach City College
Palomar Community College

California State University System:

California State University - Los Angeles
San Francisco State University
California State Polytechnic University - Pomona
San Diego State University
California State University- Northridge
California State University - Long Beach
California State University - Dominguez Hills
University of California System:
University of California - Los Angeles
University of California - Berkeley
University of California - Santa Cruz
University of California - Irvine

Private Schools:

Whittier College
Colorado College

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